Important Information

This website is no longer being updated.

NHS Doncaster Commissioning Group has, from 1 July 2022, been replaced by the new NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB). The ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services in the local area. Please go to our new website South Yorkshire ICB for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB.

Thank you.

Mental Health services in Doncaster

What to do in an emergency

exclamation-mark-blackIf you, or someone you know has concerns about their immediate health and you or they are already registered with one of the services then please use the following contact methods to get the help you need:

During office hours

  • Phone your GP
  • Phone your care coordinator / lead professional or other mental health worker
  • Phone Mental Health Access Team/Single Point of Contact   –  01302 566999

Outside of office hours

Please phone your local Access/Crisis Team:

  • Doncaster – 0800 804 8999  

One of the trained call handlers will signpost you to the most appropriate service depending on your level of need. This may include your out of hours GP, a voluntary organisation or the Access/Crisis Team.

Alternatively you can call The Samaritans free of charge on  116 123.

In an emergency, if staff are busy and you cannot get through straight away, please go immediately to your nearest Accident and Emergency unit at hospital.

If you believe a situation is life threatening please ring the emergency services on 999.

Useful external links

Doncaster Mental Health services and support

Children and Adult Mental Health Services (CAHMS)

Are you a young person who needs support with your mental health? Call the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service on 01302 796191 or visit their dedicated website.

Talking Shop

Experiencing anxiety, low mood or other common mental health conditions? Why not try the free talking therapy service at the Talking Shop?

Talking Shop therapies are available free to Doncaster residents aged 18 years and over. Local people can self-refer into the service and access a range of talking therapies and information that includes prevention and self-help literature.

To find out more simply telephone 01302 565556 or visit

Crisis Team

Are you having a mental health crisis or know someone who is? Visit or call the Crisis Team on 0800 804 8999.

Safe Space

Accessed via the single point of access phone line (01302 566999), Safe Space uses peer and voluntary support empathise with people experiencing a mental health crisis . The service provides wrap around support and creates a living well plan for each individual which links with local neighbourhood assets and services which can help further.

Drug and Alcohol services

Aspire is keen to help people stay well and live a fulfilling life in their own community and can provide confidential information, support and advice. Aspire supports the recovery of people with a drug and/ or alcohol addiction, to help them to become valued citizens in their communities.

An overview of mental health community and voluntary support services for Doncaster are available here.
